Sustainability strategy and roadmap
As the climate crisis progresses, the transition to a carbon-neutral economy is urgent and the challenge has been taken up by many companies and governments around the world. For any company, sustainability has become or will soon be a critical aspect to attract investors, employees, and a license to operate.
Drastic CO2 reduction is necessary, but how do we get there and where do we start? Let InsPyro guide you, to find out what is strategically and financially relevant, as well as feasible in the short and medium term. Based on the available technology and energy sources now and in a few years, we will select the technological roadmap for your process and organization together with your technical and sustainability team. In this trajectory, we quantify the impact of internal choices, such as the production process, the vehicles, the purchased energy, as well as external choices, such as purchased raw materials. This helps to answer the question: what can we do, what can we influence, and what matters most?
Financing the transition is a next challenge. By defining actions that create value in the medium or longer term, investments in sustainable operations can be defended to the shareholders or to financial institutions. As the EU provides incentives to banks (guarantees and reporting requirements) to provide funds for the transition to a sustainable economy, well defined projects will have no issue finding investors.
Sustainability assessment
To improve on sustainability, it is an absolute necessity to have proper measurements of the impact. InsPyro has the tools and experience to quantify the emissions of processes and products quickly and efficiently. By using mass and energy balance models of the processes involved, combined with state-of-the-art LCA software and emissions databases, calculations are self-consistent and reliable.
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions can be quantified for different scopes, according to the GHG protocol:
- Scope 1 (direct) emissions occur from sources controlled or owned by an organization (e.g., emissions associated with fuel combustion in furnaces, burners and vehicles)
- Scope 2 emissions are indirect GHG emissions associated with the purchase of electricity, steam, heat, or cooling. As these can be influenced by reducing internal energy needs, scope 1 and 2 are often reported together.
- Scope 3 emissions are the result of activities from assets not owned or controlled by the organization, but that the organization indirectly impacts in its value chain. For example, emissions occurring during the production and transport of raw materials.
For direct emissions, measured data is used as much as possible, complemented with mass balance information. For indirect emissions, measured data on energy consumption is translated to emissions using the latest supplier and grid data.
Sustainability reporting
Reporting of sustainability becomes more important every year. Shareholders, governments, employees and other stakeholders expect companies to take their responsibility and report on their progress.
From the financial year 2023, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will be in effect. This EU directive will require more companies, including many SME’s, to report on non-financial matters. Consistent selection and calculation of the KPI’s is critical for a credible report. InsPyro provides a service of defining and calculating appropriate KPI’s, as well as updating the numbers year after year following the standards.
Apart from doing the right thing, transparently reporting about it can be a boost for the reputation of companies. Progress on sustainability issues is relevant for attracting employees, extending permits, interacting with NGO’s and so on.
As your accountant follows up on your financial records, InsPyro will support your environmental reporting. Do not hesitate to contact us for an introduction meeting.
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