21/10/2025: How to read a phase diagram

Metallic systems

Phase diagrams are graphical representations of materials, most commonly as a function of temperature and composition. In this “how to read a phase diagram” course the main focus is on the practical aspects of reading. It gives an insight into the type of information you can retrieve from a phase diagram and how to give an interpretation to the different lines and areas in the graph. The course starts with a basic level introduction but rapidly advances to more complex systems. Exercises are foreseen to ensure a thorough understanding. The focus lies mainly on metallic material systems (alloy melting points, solidification, heat treatment, precipitation, etc.), .


  • 09.00: Registration
  • 09.30: Binary diagrams
    • Different areas and lines in a binary phase diagram
    • Lever rule to determine phase fractions and phase composition
    • Eutectic, peritectic, eutectoid, peritectoid reactions
    • Microstructure formation upon equilibrium cooling
  • 11.30: Ternary diagrams
    • Interpretation of a liquidus projection
    • Isothermal sections
    • Lever rule to determine phase fractions and phase compositions
  • 12.30: Sandwich lunch
  • 13.30: Ternary diagrams continued
    • Equilibrium between liquid and solid
    • Ternary reactions
  • 14.00: More examples for metallic systems
    • Multiple exercises with different diagrams
    • Solidification path and microstructure formation in equilibrium
    • Miscibility gap
  • 15.45: Opportunity for discussion


After the course all participants know how to interpret a phase diagram and are able to use it in industrial applications.


The course will tackle the theory of the topics listed above and several exercises will be made to ensure that everything was understood. It is advisable to bring a pencil, ruler, and calculator.

Who should attend

The course will be given in English and aims at people active in the metal processing industry. The course can be a refreshment of the metallurgical principles for engineers, or give hands-on metallurgists a solid theoretical background.


600€ per person per day (excl. VAT)
2000 € per person for the full course program (4 days) (excl. VAT)

WhenTuesday 21 October 2025
Registration deadlineMonday 6 October 2025 (cancellation is possible before this date)
Participantsmin. 6 – max. 12
LocationInsPyro, Ambachtenlaan 54, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
RegistrationBy email: Els.Nagels@inspyro.be
By phone: +32/16.298.491 (Els Nagels)
or through the form on this page


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